Men’s Fitness magazine asked 20 women if they would date a man who was not as fit as they were. The answers were all over the map.
One woman suggested that she wanted "dad bods all day," while another woman admitted she likes "guys who put in gym time and have the body to prove it."
How about you? Would you date a woman or man who was not as physically fit as you are? If so, how much less physically fit would you be willing to accept? Or is this all just stupid... you know people think about this though, right?
Here are some of the other responses from Men's Fitness:
1. "Give me a man who adores the crap out of me and I won't think twice about whether his body fat ratio is better than mine." - Lianne F.
2. "Absolutely. It feels like there's less competition for 'em." - Alyssa M.
3. "Probably not now, but maybe when I'm older." - Riley G.
4. "It would definitely depend on how bad we're talking. I've always been more attracted to a lean body type, but that doesn't always mean they're in the best shape. I go more off physical appearance than how fast he can run." - Laura K.
5. "I wouldn't date someone significantly more out of shape than me. I probably wouldn't be attracted to that, as shallow as it sounds. But I don't care if a guy works out as much or less than me." - Jess Q.
6. "I would, and I have. Personality (among other things) matters more than looks. But obviously it's a plus if they're in shape. Also, if they end up actually being committed to a long-term relationship, you can just work out together." - Adrianna E.
7. "I don't think I would date a person who didn't want to be active. They don't need a slammin' body—but, you know, take care of yourself." - Tara L.
8. "Yes, but I'd much rather not." - Lauren M.
9. "Yes—dad bods all day. I don't want him to be too much out of shape, though. I'm talking Leo DiCaprio dad bod." - Brianne S.
10. "Yes, absolutely. I prefer men who aren't vain. In fact, I actually like when they have some fluffy weight on them. I mean, after all, science does state heavier set men are the best lovers..." - Caitlin W.