Different ways of cheating

There are ways of cheating that don't involve another person. 

Cheating comes in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes there are gray areas that we don’t know how to define. What is cheating anyway? There are some obvious answers but not all of them are. And now that it’s 2018, we have all sorts of definitions of what cheating could mean. Here are the types:


  • Physical cheating – This is when you get down and dirty with someone else without your partner knowing. Not good, guys!
  • Sexual fantasies about someone else – This one’s a little tricky, but there’s a difference between fantasizing casually about someone you find attractive and fantasizing REGULARLY about someone else.
  • Romantic feelings about someone else – If you’re feeling something more than attraction to someone else, that’s cheating.
  • Secret spending – That’s right; this one doesn’t even involve another person. If you’re spending money from an account your spouse doesn’t know about, that could be considered cheating.
  • Secret social media activity – There are people who are actually a little out there when it comes to getting dirty with people on social media.


Cheating comes in many forms, but what it really boils down to is good communication. As long as you’re being open and honest about your wants and needs, you shouldn’t ever have to submit to cheating to get around something in your relationship.



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