To find love, you might need to release these fears!

let go of these seven things to find love.


1: Fear of lack

This can carry though to every aspect of your life. Whether it’s not being able to provide financially, or give enough emotionally, men need to learn to let go of this fear. Having a positive mindset and understanding that who you are is enough will help to overcome this anxiety. At the end of the day there are specific qualities that a good woman will want, and trust me, they don’t have anything to do with material things!

2: Fear of failure

For a lot of men, they have this strong connection between their identity and their ability to succeed in life. Whether it’s in their career, marriage or finances, the idea of failing is not just a small fear, but rather something that can control their total mindset and decisions. Relationships are hard work and sometimes they don’t work out. But this does not reflect your worth as a man or partner.

3: Fear of never being enough

Whilst women have played a vital role throughout the generations, the pressure for a man to live up to what the world deems to be “man enough” has left men a little lost in the process. With the empowerment of women, men have somewhat lost their voice and role along the way and therefore feel they can’t live up to our standards. This is where they need to take control back, not to dominate the woman but to step into their shoes as the man and give the relationship the balance it needs.

4: Fear of commitment

When a man falls in love, it essentially means he has to give a part of himself away with no guaranteed happy ending. Women want security, they want to know that you will not only give them your heart but also your word. Commitment doesn’t have to represent entrapment, but rather an opportunity to build a solid foundation with a worthy woman.

5: Fear of missing out

If we live our lives based off a fear of missing out, we forget to enjoy and live in the present. It’s one thing to have drive and ambition, but it’s altogether another thing to be plagued with anxiety at the thought of never being able to achieve everything. Being in a committed relationship does not signify that you can’t follow your dreams or pursue certain passions. Sometimes the journey made with someone is far better than doing it on your own.

6: Fear of being vulnerable

Relationships are always a risk, as is falling in love. If you have been hurt before in the past, chances are you will be hesitant about who you want to open up to in the future. However, being vulnerable and transparent in a relationship is essential to its progress and health. What we need to change is the mindset that vulnerability=weakness. Choosing to open yourself up emotionally to the person you are falling fall is what will improve trust and communication.

7: Fear of not having control

In general, most people want to be in control of every aspect of their life. For men it seems that they have more pressure to be not only the provider but also the leader. Falling in love with someone will mean that you will have to let go to some extent and learn to trust the other person to guide you. Whilst having standards help keep us on track, ultimately you can’t dictate everything that goes on in the relationship.

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