Things we NEED from our relationships with our SO

What we need and shouldn’t mind asking for from our S.O.

Anyone who’s been in a relationship knows that compromise is key to making things work. Part of that is learning to make decisions together and consider your partner’s feelings when you make a choice that will affect them, but there are certain things we shouldn’t feel guilty about asking for in a relationship. Here are a few things we all need and shouldn’t feel bad asking for from a supportive, loving partner.

  • Open, Honest Communication - It’s tough to have a healthy, fulfilling relationship unless you have strong communication, so you shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting to talk openly with your partner. You want to feel comfortable asking to communicate with your partner and you should make them feel okay about doing the same.
  • Support For Your Goals & Dreams - Hopefully your partner cares about your goals and is supportive, but it’s important for them to help you reach them in any way they can, too. That may mean postponing date night for you to get some work done and you shouldn’t feel bad asking for it either, since you’d happily do it for your partner.
  • Time To Spend With Friends & Family - You should never feel guilty for leaving your partner at home to spend quality time with your friends and family. Those relationships are just as important as your romance and your partner in a healthy relationship will get that.
  • Time To Yourself - Spending time with your loved ones is essential, but so is taking time just for yourself. That may mean catching up on Netflix, shopping, or whatever you’re into that allows you to reset and recharge, and your partner should understand the need for “me time” and let you enjoy it guilt-free.
  • Quality Time Together - As much as it’s key to spend some time away from your sweetie, you also need to spend quality time together. Go out for a proper date night, or make plans to have a night in together, do whatever floats your boat and makes you a happy couple.

Source: Elite Daily

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