Hardcore Star Trek fans can look like Vulcans as they listen to music or talk with their friends.

Have the look of Spock

“Star Trek” fans rejoice, now you can look like your favorite Vulcan, like Captain Spock, with these officially licensed wireless earbuds made to look like Vulcan ears.

The retailer ThinkGeek is offering the “Star Trek” earbuds for $39. The earbuds include a microphone and remote, meaning you can emulate “Star Trek’s” galactic communication. They charge for two hours via USB, and include a talk time of four to five hours before you have to charge up again.

Source: The Verge

A student visiting the zoo noticed the “zebra” looked a little… different.

They did what to a donkey???

A zoo in Cairo, Egypt has found a new meaning of “earn your stripes,” except it’s more of “paint your stripes” type of situation. A student visiting the zoo noticed something a little odd about the zebra on display… turns out it was actually a donkey, PAINTED as a zebra.

Mahmoud A. Sarhani took some pictures of the odd-looking “zebra” he saw while visiting the zoo, which had strangely long ears and some kind of black smudge all over its face. He posted the photo on Facebook, which quickly went viral in Egypt.

Local media outlet caught wind of the viral photo and covered the story, resulting in local veterinarians confirming that the animal was, in fact, a donkey with black-and-white stripes painted onto it. Mohamed Sultan, the director of International Gardens Park, maintained that the strange creature was totally a zebra.

  • The strangest part of this whole thing? This isn’t the first time a zoo has pulled this trick. A zoo in Gaza painted two donkeys to replace two deceased donkeys back in 2009. I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that they tried to paint donkeys as zebras or that the donkeys had died of starvation…

Source: The Sun

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