Questions you need answered before moving in together!

You should know how you're going to split bills and groceries! 

Stuff you need to know!!

Wow, you’re really doing it! You’re moving in with your boo. It sounds really amazing, but it’s really only a matter of time before you realize the conversations you didn’t have (that you probably should have by now). You’re probably so over the moon about finally moving in together, you’re forgetting some major obstacles to sort out. Here are the questions you need to ask before you sign that lease:


  • Who is paying for what?
  • Are both of our names on the lease?
  • How are we handling grocery shopping and meal planning?
  • What are your thoughts on having guests over?
  • What’s the end game here?


The most important question is probably that last one – what’s the plan after you move in together? What happens if things go south? The last thing you want is to move in with someone and realize you have to decide who gets the dog. Cover your bases!!


Source: Huffington Post

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