Over 100 people have tried the challenge and failed.

Do you think you are up to the challenge?


Pinhead’s Pizza, a popular pizza place in Dublin, Ireland, is offering fans of the Italian delicacy the chance to fill their bellies and their pockets at the same time. Anyone who can finish their 32-inch pizza and down two milkshakes in under 32 minutes is guaranteed a prize of 500 euros.

When Anthony Kelly, the owner of Pinhead’s Pizza, put the 32-inch pie on the menu of his restaurant in 2015, it didn’t really have a name and was simply called “Ireland’s largest pizza. Since then, he settled on a proper name for it – The Notorious Pizza – a fitting one considering that no one has been able to finish one, although many have tried. In the beginning, Kelly offered challengers a voucher for 50 euros plus the pizza for free if they managed to finish the whole thing and wash it down with two milkshakes in under 32 minutes. Since then, he has become so confident that his challenge is unbeatable that he is offering a 500 euros prize to anyone who beats it.

Kelly says that over 100 people have tried The Notorious Pizza challenge, but they have all failed miserably, and while he invites more people to give it a go, the man is quite confident that no can beat it. Staff members of newspapers like the Irish Sun and Irish Mirror also gave it their best, but they could barely finish a quarter of the humongous pie and none of the milkshakes in the allotted time. Rob of Stag vs. Food, did a bit better, finishing one half of the pizza, but it’s hard to imagine anyone being able to finish the whole thing in just over half an hour.


No water in the classroom!

A British student is speaking out against a strange rule put in place by his school. The Sir Robert Pattinson Academy in Lincolnshire, England has reportedly banned students from drinking water during class and inside the building.

According to 15-year-old Callum Goldsmith, the ban is getting in the way of his education, as he’s forced to go outside to hydrate himself. His father is concerned about his son’s learning experience, too, saying that the school is “treating pupils like prisoners.” But the school is standing by their decision to place the ban, which they say is for “very clear health and safety reasons.”

Head teacher Dale Hardy explains that many of the classrooms have electrical equipment that could be a safety hazard if liquids are present, like water. He also claims that students are indeed allowed to drink water in between classes, during breaks, or “in other areas of the school,” though Goldsmith said that really means outside.

Source: The Sun

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