Simple signs it might be time to date after a break-up!

Simple signs that you might be ready to date again

Once you get over the shock and heartache of your recent “let’s just be friends” talk, how do you know when you’re ready to date again? At first it may feel like you’ll never get there, but there are signs you’re progressing through the post-breakup period and heading to the time you’ll actually want to see other people again. Here are some clues so you’ll know when it’s time to get back out there single people.

  • The idea of having someone else in your life warms your once cold heart - If you’ve made your way through the stages of a breakup and now you’ve noticed you’re starting to daydream about your cute barista, that’s a good sign you’re ready once again.
  • You’re maybe, sort of, kind of, potentially excited by someone showing interest in you - When you’re still dealing with the broken heart part of the post-breakup pain, you don’t even notice if someone else is interested in you. But if the idea of going out with someone new goes from hard no to maybe, you’ve made real progress.
  • You get in your feels again - If flirting with someone gives you the butterflies and good kind of mushy feels, take that as a sign you’re ready to get back in the game again.
  • You’re reminiscing less - When you’re focusing less on the past and moving more toward the future, you’re slowly finding life to be better without your ex and that means you’re that much closer to being ready to date someone new.
  • Going literally anywhere alone doesn’t seem so bad - Feeling lonely post-breakup is totally normal and that’s when you need your besties and loved ones to lean on. But when you start feeling like doing things independently by yourself again, like seeing a movie or going shopping, your head is in the right place.
  • You’re saying "Yes" more often than "No" - Breakups can be hell, but when you start choosing a night out with friends over staying at home with a pint of ice cream and some wine for a good cry, celebrate my friend, because you’re ready to start dating again.

Source: Cosmopolitan

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