Sarah Elliott and Paul Edwards had their first date at the airport and flew to Vegas to get hitched

Finding love on dating sites isn’t easy, but one couple in Britain believes they found their perfect match, and didn’t waste any time making things legal. 

Sarah Elliott and Paul Edwards matched on the dating app Bumble on December 15th, and after just a few days of chatting they went on their first date December 23rd, where they took one heck of a leap of faith. Despite never meeting face-to-face, the pair decided to meet at Gatwick airport in full wedding outfits and hopped a plane to Las Vegas where they got hitched.

“We instantly clicked - there was an undeniable connection,” Sarah says. “I feel like Paul's my best friend already.”

 While this may seem out there to most people, Sarah insists they didn’t jump into things lightly. “We're not looking at everything through rose-tinted glasses. We know it will be challenging, but we're willing to work together,” she says. “I'm usually such a logical person, but all the rules have been thrown out.”

The idea to get hitched came up during their second phone conversation, and Sarah admits that she thought the idea was “crazy,” but she believes her marriage will last. “Our marriage will work because we're completely open and honest about everything in our lives. I have faith,” she says. “We can talk about absolutely everything - there's nothing I'd feel uncomfortable discussing with him because I know there's no judgment there.” 

Source: Daily Mail

Another wedding story

A bride who recently tied the knot sparked a debate on Reddit after sharing her story and asking the Internet for its opinion. She posted in the “Am I the A-hole” thread after having an adults-only wedding and having a couple show up with their kids in tow.

In the post the newlywed explains that she and her hubby wanted a child-free event and put it right there on the invitation that the event was adults-only. But two of her guests showed up with their baby and toddler, causing unnecessary wedding drama. The bride says she let the family stay for the ceremony, but she thought they might not stay for the reception or have someone come pick up the kids before the reception. When that didn’t happen, the bride says she decided to intervene.

The bride writes that she sent the wedding planner to talk to the couple, who then argued with the planner, so the bride had to step in. The couple told her how rude the planner was and she explained to them that she sent him over to talk about the kid situation. She reiterated that the event was child-free and the invitations clearly said so. But the couple defended themselves and tried to assure the bride that they were “capable of minding their own children so they didn’t get in the way of anything.”

After telling the family that wasn’t really the point, the groom came over and tried to talk to them, but things got a little heated. “Finally, I snapped and said they just needed to go, which, thankfully they did without much more noise,” the bride writes. “Still the whole thing was incredibly embarrassing, which is exactly what I wanted to avoid.”

The newlywed says she hates that her wedding day was “somewhat marred” by the drama and asked Redditors what they thought. Most agree that the couple were jerks for ignoring the adults-only part of the invitation and for arguing with the bride on her big day. Some commenters feel she could have handled it differently, but the bride updated her post to say that the feedback has helped her feel less guilty about the whole thing. And it’s a good reminder to anyone going to a wedding: read the invitation before you bring the whole family along.

Source: Glamour

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