And the best country in the world is__________?

Have you ever stopped to wonder what’s the best country in the world? Well, thanks to a new ranking of the Best Countries by “U.S. News & World Report,” we now know the answer.

So, which country is the best? Well, the report hands Switzerland the top spot for the third consecutive year, getting an overall score of 10, and high scores for open for business, which ranks market-oriented companies, citizenship, quality of life and entrepreneurship. Japan comes in second this year, moving up three spots from last year, while Canada, Germany and the United Kingdom round out the Top Five. 

  • And while most Americans would likely expect the United States to be on top of the list, or at least fairly high up there, it actually doesn’t even rank in the Top Five. In fact, for a second year in a row it’s at number eight, with the mag noting the world's level of trust in the U.S. has declined for the third consecutive year. It does, however, top the list as the Most Powerful Nation, followed by Russia and China.

Top Ten Best Countries In The World

  1. Switzerland
  2. Japan
  3. Canada
  4. Germany
  5. United Kingdom
  6. Sweden
  7. Australia
  8. United States
  9. Norway
  10. France

Source: U.S. News & World Report 

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