Big time RED FLAGS in the dating world!!

We keep turning to experienced daters and relationship gurus for advice in our love lives, but there’s another source we haven’t considered… Divorce attorneys have seen so many failed relationships, they’ve probably clocked a tip or two down the line to help them spot a failing relationship and what made it go south. Here are some red flags according to divorce experts:

  • They talk marriage too fast – It’s possible you’re super in love. That’s great! But it could also be a sign of a plan that’s not thought out very well.
  • Exaggerated claims in their dating profiles – Even the smallest lie about your boo’s gym habits could be a recipe for bigger lies later on.
  • They’re the victim of past relationships – If they can’t recognize the part they played in their failed relationships, that’s an issue.
  • There’s no physical spark – If your first sex-capade is boring, fine. But if you have no excitement about figuring it out, move on!
  • They’ve been divorced in the past – Quick to marry and quick to leave are huge red flags.
  • They drop hints about their crappy finances – If he’s buying you dinner but not paying his gas bill, that’s a problem.
  • They’re “technically married but separated ” – It doesn’t matter if they don’t live together anymore. They’re married.
  • They drink a lot – “Harmless” drinking habits early on could lead to bigger problems down the road.
  • They don’t value space – Spending every waking moment with your new boo isn’t actually a good thing.

Now, if your partner sounds like one or two of these scenarios, all hope is not necessarily lost. There’s no science behind this stuff. But recognizing patterns in divorced couples could really help you land your “forever” person without the heartbreak of divorce later on.

Source: Huffington Post

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