If you have a smartphone, you probably suffer from Technoference

Technoference: It’s the name Australian researchers have given to the interference phones are causing in our lives and the problems that arise from too much phone time. According to researchers from the Queensland University of Technology, it’s a growing problem – especially for women. The study revealed that one in five women and one in eight men are losing sleep because of the time they spend on their smartphones. Additionally, people are becoming less productive, take more risks while driving and are even getting more aches and pains – all because of excessive phone time.

If it's this bad for us as adults, imagine what it will be like for our kids!

Here are some of the study findings:

  • 19.5% of women and 11.8% of men say they lose sleep due to the time they spend on their phone (vs. 2.3% of women and 3.2% of men in 2005).
  • 12.6% of men say their productivity has decreased as a result of the time they spend on their phone – compared to 0% in 2005. 14% of women say their productivity has declined due to phone use -- compared to 2.3% in 2005.
  • 14% of women and 8.2% of men admit they try to hide the amount of time they spend on the phone.
  • 54.9% of women and 41.6% of men believe their friends will find it hard to get in touch with them if they don’t have their phone.
  • 8.4% of women and 7.9% of men have aches and pains they attribute to phone use.
  • 25.9% of women (up from 3.8% in 2005) and 15.9% of men (up from 6.5%) say there are times when they would rather be on their phone than deal with more pressing issues. For 18- to 25 year-olds, that jumps up to 51.4%.

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