Our love for chocolate is REAL!!

With Halloween just around the corner, it’s hard to escape the aisles of chocolate candy at the grocery store, and they’re not exactly easy to resist if you love chocolate, and let’s face it, many of us do.

Just how much do people love chocolate? Well, a new survey finds:

  • One in five people eat chocolate once a day.
  • 62% of chocolate consumers admit they'd eat more chocolate if it was healthier.
  • Nearly half of the people surveyed said they'd feel less guilty eating chocolate if it contained less sugar.

Chocolate lovers love chocolate so much that they’d actually be willing to give up a lot if it meant winning chocolate for a year. For example:

  • 51% would give up their favorite alcoholic beverage for a week.
  • 48% would give up makeup for a week.
  • 48% would say so long to social media for a week.
  • 28% would give up sex for a month

Source:Yahoo Finance

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