Dating rules that are dated!!

When it comes to dating there are a bunch of unwritten rules that have been around since our Grandparent’s Grandparents were trying to hook up. Maybe it’s time to officially put together a new rulebook for dating in 2019.

Why don’t we start by killing off the old-fashioned dating rules that are holding back of our love lives?Like these:

  • RIP: Guys Having to Asking First.Women are plenty capable of taking the lead on initiating a date and shouldn’t have to wait for a man to get the ball rolling.Let’s move on from the 1950s.
  • RIP: One Date At A Time.You’re working hard which means your free time is limited. Why not double-book dates on your one night off? Booking two dates for the same night might seem like an insensitive but really it's just more efficient.Just don’t book them at the same time at the same place like some sitcom.
  • RIP: Avoiding Serious Topics.Old-school dating rules say avoid topics like politics, money, and religion...but why?Wouldn’t it be better to find out if your potential partner believes in something you’re completely opposed to or vice versa? You don’t need to have a CNN style debate, but if something comes up, why avoid it?
  • RIP: Sex Happens On The Third Date.Your sex life is just that...YOUR sex life.Don’t live by another person’s schedule. Hookup for the first time whenever you and your partner feel comfortable doing it.

That’s only a few of the full list of Old Fashioned Rules that need to die,YOU CAN SEE THE REST HERE. Bottom line? There’s nothing set in stone when it comes to dating, so don’t stress about following antiquated advice. Dating sucks enough already, so do what works for you!


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