Stay-at-home Mom's have some requests!!

Being a stay-at-home mom while your partner works outside the home requires a balancing act. Both partners need to understand the other’s needs and desires, which can be a challenge. But at the end of the day, what do stay-at-home moms wish their husbands would do more often? These small things, according to real-life stay-at-home moms.

  • “Stop assuming your wife has it handled”- Don’t think that just because your wife has everything under control all day that she’s “got it” and doesn’t want a hand from you in the evenings with diapers, feedings, baths, and such.
  • “Take the dog out at night”- Someone needs to take the dog out one last time before bed and it doesn’t always have to be mom.
  • “Show more affection”- If you used to pinch her butt all the time and never do it anymore, she might miss that playful move and would welcome you doing it more.
  • “Text during the day”- A short text to check in can remind her that she’s not alone in dealing with things at home. A quick “Thinking of you” with a kiss emoji goes a long way.
  • “Stop talking about your female coworkers”- Even if your wife isn’t the jealous type, she probably doesn’t want to hear about so and so at work who’s “so funny.” Or at least tell her while you’re helping her change a diaper or empty the dishwasher.
  • “Share your struggles” -You may not want to burden her with the things that stress you out at work, but hearing about your day - bad or good - makes her feel closer to you and she can take it.
  • “Stop keeping score”- Marriage is a partnership, but it’s also a team and on a team, one player doesn’t get to say, “Well, I scored the last six points, so now it’s your turn.” Same goes for diaper changes, laundry folding, and making dinner.
  • “Fart in another room”- A mom who smells stinky, dirty diapers all day has had it with the smell of her shameless husband ripping one and wishes he’d just go in the garage to do it.

Source:Your Tango

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