5 things women do after a rough break-up!



As commenter “Lauren” said, “Every time I break up I move. It’s a little more extreme, but I like getting an entirely new apartment after a heartache. Plus, I get to focus on packing and getting rid of stuff.” Personally, I can’t move until March, but for many people, a broken heart is best mended with a change in scenery. Whether that’s packing up and moving to a new apartment in a cool neighborhood or relocating to a different city all together, a new woman equals a new abode. My advice? Embrace the change, but don’t be impulsive. Starting over in a brand new city may seem like an exciting way to leave the past behind, but it can also be regrettable once the excitement wears off.


Similar to number one, but particular to women who’ve lived with their ex and now have the place all to themselves. Because this situation can be convenient (you don’t have to move), but also depressing (what was once “ours” is now just “mine”), redecorating, even in just small ways, is symbolic of moving on as a single lady. See the silver lining—for me, one of the only real “perks” I would say of living alone in an apartment built for two, is double the closet space. You can bet that I spent a tear-filled evening organizing my clothing by item, color, and sleeve-length. Oh, and my shoes!

Take Up A New Hobby

I like to think of myself as a pretty independent woman, but when you’re part of a couple for a long time, a certain amount of the “we”-ness becomes a part of your identity. When the “we” is no more, it can feel like a chunk of you is missing and getting back in touch with WHO you are is an important part of healing from heartbreak. One of the best ways to do this, I think, is to take up a new hobby—something you’ve always wanted to try or learn how to do, but didn’t because, well, your free time after work was spent cuddling with the one you loved.

Mentally & Physically Cleanse

Breakups are kind of like celebrating the New Year—it’s a good time to make resolutions about things you want to do or change in this new phase of your life. I have a friend who, post-breakup, decided to become a vegetarian; she had been thinking about giving up eating meat for years (in fact, she didn’t each much meat to begin with), but didn’t have the motivation until she was thrust into a bad breakup. Committing to something that a little challenging was inspiring for her.

Vacation, Vacation, Vacation!

Alone or with a friend or a group of friends, getting the hell out of dodge is high on the list of post-breakup activities. Call it running away if you want, but whether you just go for a quick weekend getaway or backpack around Europe for a month, getting outside of your own little universe is a great way to gain perspective. So is making out with the hot concierge at your hotel in Rome, but I digress.


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