Secret Santa is in jeopardy!

The holiday season is upon that means your office doing the bare minimum to show some Christmas spirit. Decorations that are a fire hazard, a tray of cookies made by someone’s kids that probably didn’t wash their hands and someone is going to pitch doing “Secret Santa” because it’ll be “fun.”Nope, nope, and no thanks!

If you’re anti-anonymous gift-giving,you’re not alone. According to a recent survey, over a third of Millennials want to ban secret Santa and other Christmas gift-giving money pools.Why?The same reason millennials can’t do anything.We’re broke.

What starts out as a quirky little way to gain synergy,or some other business teamwork synonym,quickly gets out of hand with the spending.

  • 73% of millennials on thisholly jolly surveysaid they often contribute more than they could afford to an office celebration,
  • 25% of us say we’ve even had to dip into our savings or go into overdraft to participate.It’s like reverse Scrooge-ing.

Combine this with the fact the average millennial reports spending around $166 annually on a coworker’s gift...the 17% say they’ve been “called out” for being stingy, it’s a wonder that only 35% of millennials would even like to see Secret Santa banned.The other 65% must have gotten something pretty great last Christmas.

Source:Yahoo Finance

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