An introverts guide to hosting Thanksgiving Day!

Getting together with loved ones to enjoy a meal and socialize is one of the best parts of the holidays … except when it’s your turn to host and you’re an introvert who doesn’t love hosting. If you’re in this boat this year, these tips can help you survive and even enjoy your Thanksgiving hosting gig.

  • Don’t overdo the guest list- Avoid the hives and hyperventilation of having a house full of people by keeping the invites down to a small group. A good rule is to invite as many guests as you have chairs for them to sit on, so everyone is comfortable, which will help you be more comfy too.
  • Cook as much as you can in advance- An extrovert may thrive on pressure, but having all those hungry eyes on you while you cook is an introvert’s nightmare. So prep everything you can ahead of time and give yourself a few minutes to sip a glass of wine before the hungry guests show up.
  • Embrace the potluck- Ask everyone to bring something they love so no one feels pressured to eat anything they don’t want to and you don’t stress out wondering if people like the meal you cooked.
  • Set a time limit- How long can you reasonably handle making small talk? Introverts need to know the social engagement will come to an end, so state the time the party ends on the invite and don’t be afraid to kick guests out. Coming out in your PJs asking if anyone wants to take leftovers home usually does the trick.


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