Do you take your phone to the restroom? Think AGAIN!

Want to know how amazing cell phones are? They’re the only thing in the world we all touch in the bathroom with dirty hands and put directly on our face within the next hour. Most of us won’t even touch the toilet handle in there, but we’re perfectly ok to swipe and wipe?

Obviously, this is a germ horror story, so the question becomes:How bad is it to take your phone into the bathroom?

  • The first thing you should know is that cell phones aren’t even safe outside of the bathroom. Research has found they're home to 10 times as much bacteria as toilet bowls. Think about that fun fact the next time you go to hold your phone in your mouth while you pick up something.Gag.
  • That’s not to say that more germs mean more dangerous.A lot of bacteria are actually harmless. But(and pardon the pun),when it comes to things like fecal bacteria it starts getting nasty. There’s also e. coli and shigella bacteria on your phone and even some bacteria that will make your face breakout when you press your iPhone against it.

Your phone is like the Cancun to potential flu causing germs.Dr. Ron Cutler says "phones heat up a little bit, giving bacteria a nice, warm environment."Don’t invite the gross germs that hang out in bathrooms to Cancun!

You should be keeping your phone as far away from the toilet as possible since even its flush spreads germs through the air, but since nobody can be left alone with their own thoughts anymore, at least obey this rule. Dedicate one hand to your phone, and one hand to wiping.Do not cross those streams.Wash your hands after going to the bathroom and wipe down your phone as soon as you can with an approved disinfectant.


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