The newest dating term: Fireworking!

Fireworks might be your favorite thing about the Fourth of July, but they could become yourleastfavorite thing about dating in 2020. Yes, ‘Fireworking’ is the new dating trend in town, and here’s what you need to know about it before itblows up in your face.

You may remember that ‘stashing’ was all the rage last year. That’s when your boo kept you a dirty little secret and hid you from friends, family...and their Instagram feeds.

Fireworking is the opposite of that. It’s when someone loves to show off their new bae to the point that it’s suspicious. Almost like they’re using them to make an ex jealous or as a tool for social media clout. Whatever reason they’re doing it, it isn’t for love, and that’s not cool.

Think you might be getting fireworked?Here are some signs to look out for:

  • You’re treated like eye candy.Does your partner put pressure on you to look amazing every time you guys go out with their friends? Fireworkers want their partner to be perfect all the timebecause their only intention is to show them off like some beauty pageant.
  • Frequent social media updates with the partner.If you feel like your boo is taking paparazzi amounts of photos of you, it could be a sign that the fireworking fuse has been lit. You’re not a reality TV couple, you shouldn’t be broadcasting all the time. If their constant SnapChats of you feel disingenuous,trust your gut.
  • Things are cold when you’re alone.Are you noticing that your partner is super affectionate out in public, but a dead fish when you’re spending time without friends? This could be a red flag that they’re only with you as a front.

Source:Times Of India

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