Trends that are taking shape for 2020!

While our power to kill nonsense societal crap has been well documented, Millennials also hold the ability to give lifeto trendsas well. And with 2020 just around the corner, stores may be wondering what our generation’s next Avacado Toast will be, and what we’ll be buying in the new year.

We’re single longer, we’re not having kids, we’re the most diverse generation yet.It’s got to be a nightmare trying to stocking shelves for us.So to help them out, here are a few ideas on what we’ll be shopping for in the coming year:

  • Keep it Simple & Sugar-Free. We’re a generation of label readers. We track our calories in apps and we’re hyper-aware that sugar is the enemy. Millennials are shifting toward food that contains real, wholesome ingredients and is low in sugar.And it wouldn’t hurt to bring down the salt levels too.
  • Food as Medicine. Do you know a fellow millennial that seems to think they’re some type of shaman that knows the exact amount of blueberries you have to eat to knock out a cold? Researchers describe this trend as “proactive health” and it’s when people try to get functional benefits from their food and believe that certain types have medicinal properties.You can tell who is into this stuff by their breathe since they probably just did a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar.
  • Seeking Energy Superpowers. Since we’re working more than any other generation, we’re also the most in need of energy. That’s why you may have noticed the energy drink fridge at your local gas station growing more and more every year. Look for millennials to be spending big on products that are natural, healthy, and guarantee they’ll be able to work their third job with both eyes open.
  • Crazy Convenient. If it’s not portable, snackable, and can’t be ate in a car on the way to the next side-hustle, it’s probably not going to strike our fancy. Convenience has become the name of the game when it comes to millennial food choices. Our time is limited, so things like meal prep, oractually sitting down for a meal,are a rarity. If you want us to buy it,make it easy!
  • Food as an Experience. Spend any amount of time on Instagram and you can tell that our generation is full of amateur foodies. Look for that to continue in 2020 and get ready to see the next big thing in food that tastes good and looks pretty even#unfiltered.


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