Tis the season to CHEAT!

Christmas is meant for spending time with your family and also apparently sneaking away from that family to have an affair.

According to a new study, Christmas is both the hottest time of year to meet singles online and for married folks to step outside their marriage. This conclusion is based on the number of people joining dating apps and it turns out there’s a huge uptick of married people signing up for accounts during the holidays.

And other surveys back up this theory. A study conducted between 2010 and 2016 found 20% of married men and 13% of married women say they’ve had a sexual affair with someone. Another study of cheaters found 35% of women and 31% of men say they did the deed during Christmastime.Which is, of course, a great way to have your name permanently etched into the stone copy of the naughty list.

  • As for why people are looking for a little something-something on the side during the festive season, there are a couple of going theories. Psychologist Tammy Nelson blames the holiday stress for cheating. "The expectation that things should be merry and bright puts a strain on their marriage and their peace of mind and this can drive a cheater to find escape with an outside partner."
  • Additionally, some cheaters may do it to remember Christmas past. "Who they were, what they remember, and who they used to be all combined can make them reach out to their ex, or to people who remind them of who they used to be when they were younger," Nelson said. Wouldn’t watching some old claymation Christmas movies and flipping through Facebook memories have the same effect with 100% less heartbreak?


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