Some crazy things people learned about their spouse after the "I do's"

When folks get married it’s safe to assume the couples know all there is to know about each other, but it turns out that’s just not the case. In fact, some folks learn some startling, and hysterical things about their new spouses after they say “I Do,” and now they’re sharing. 

Buzzfeed has gathered together some Reddit responses to the question of what’s the weirdest thing folks discovered about their spouse after they wed, and they are pretty darn funny. 

Responses included:

  • "My wife makes sex noises while she sleeps. I didn't tell her about it until after she went on a weekend trip with her friends and they said something about it."
  • "I was friends with my husband for 16 years before we got engaged and moved in together. That's when I found out that he insists on sleeping fully clothed. Not in like a t-shirt and pajama bottoms — in his friggin' jeans, shirt, and even his shoes!"
  • "My wife likes to pee in the shower...when I'm in the shower with her."
  • "He sleeps with pieces of tissue in his ears because he believes his ears leak wax. I've never seen this happen."
  • "My wife talks in her sleep. And not like, 'I forgot milk.' More like, 'Do you think hot dogs are steak dicks?'"
  • "He likes to slap his own booty when he gets out of the shower. He has a certain beat that he keeps, and it's so very loud!"
  • "He blows his nose into his towel and then dries off with it. He then hangs the towel over the shower rod so I always have to move his booger towel in order to shower. Sometimes his boogers even fall off into the tub. Just yuck, dude!"
  • "My husband's talking has no off switch. If I'm not listening, he just talks to himself. He has full on conversations with himself in the shower. He pauses YouTube videos to give commentary. He's pretty much only quiet when he sleeps...and even then, he snores!"
  • "Apparently, my wife does not poop. We have been together for about 15 years, and not once have I caught her crapping. It's disturbingly strange."
  • "He rips paper towels in half and saves the second half. I once collected them all, wrapped them, and gave them to him for Christmas!"
  • "My husband takes his shirt off to poop — I'm not sure why."


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