Why women seek a divorce!

Traditional gender stereotypes lead us to believe that women are the ones who are ready to settle down and get married, but research shows they’re the ones who are more likely to initiate divorce, too. Study after study have shown that women get the ball rolling with divorce more than men, like research from theAmerican Sociological Associationthat finds women initiate almost 70% of divorces.

So why are women the ones who want to settle down first and the first ones to want to split up? According to a marriage therapist, a psychologist, and a divorce mediator, it all comes down to these three things:

  • Women are more likely to feel like marriage is holding them back- While women are working more today, a lot of husbands still expect their wives to do most of the housework and childcare. A report from theU.S. Bureau of Labor Statisticsfinds that even if both partners work full-time, 49% of women do housework daily, compared to only 20% of men. Marriage and family therapist Anita A. Chilpala asks, "If the wife makes more money but is still expected to do more of the housework and childcare, what's the point?"
  • Women tend to do more emotional labor in a marriage- Men may rely on their wives as their only source of emotional support and that may make them hesitant to leave that, according to psychologist Tricia Wolanin.
  • Women are less likely to tolerate "bad behavior" today- In the past, women may have felt like they had to put up with some things in order to have financial security. But today? Not so much. Divorce mediator Dori Schwartz says today’s modern woman is less likely to tolerate infidelity and controlling or emotionally abusive behavior. She says after the honeymoon phase ends, some men change from romantic to controlling and that “women don’t want to take it anymore.”

Source:Best Life

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