Signs that your job is making you miserable!

Is your case of the“Mondays”lasting all the way to Friday? Everyone has some bad days at work but if it feels like you’re stringing a whole career of them together, you might have a bigger issue on your hand. Here are some signs Amy Morin author of"13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do" says indicate that your job is actuallyruining your life.

  • You can’t stop thinking about your job. Rumination is linked to depression, and Morin says if you’re thinking about your toxic workplace everywhere you go, it’s probably for the best to get yourself a new job ASAP.
  • Social events with coworkers seem draining. Have you been eating your lunch alone at your desk or finding any excuse to get out of company parties? Morin says this is a red flag indicating your job might be exhausting you so much mentally, that socializing- even the co-workers you like -has become unenjoyable.
  • You filter out anything good about work. If you’re becoming less of a glass half empty and more of a ‘there’s nothing at all in this stinking glass’type, that’s not a good sign. It’s time to update your LinkedIn account if even when nine good things happen at work, you only can focus on the one bad thing that happened.
  • You're irritable. You used to be so chill but now when Barb takes to long at the copier you chew her head off.Morin says if you’ve found your patience wearing thin at work, it’s a pretty good indicator your job is making you miserable.

Life is short! Check out all the signs your job is ruining your lifeHEREand kick that toxic workplace to the curb.

Source:Business Insider

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