Couples reveal their partners most annoying bathroom habit!!

As a single person, you probably spent a lot of time worrying about your moves in the bedroom or your conversation skills in the living room. But how much did you worry about your bathroom habits? A new study says,not enough.

When it comes to sharing a bathroom, men and women are not on the same page. The first problem is timing. While 32% of men said they’re comfortable discussing toilet issues with their significant others after only one month, 22% of women said they’ll never feel comfortable chatting about toilet time.

And then there's what bathroom habits upset us. Although a lot of the issues are the same, our priorities are different.

Partners most annoying bathroom habit according to women:

  1. Not cleaning the toilet
  2. Not flushing
  3. Leaving hair in the drain or sink
  4. Leaving the door open
  5. Using the toilet while they're in the bathroom

Partners most annoying bathroom habit according to men:

  1. Leaving hair in the drain or sink
  2. Not cleaning the toilet
  3. Leaving the door open
  4. Makeup stains
  5. Using the toilet while they're in the bathroom

Interestingly, the study also found that 56% of couples share their towels. So even though we’re grossed out by each other in some ways,more than half of us are completely fine using the same piece of cloth to dry off our face that our boo used to dry off their bum. Makes sense...

Source:Study Finds

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