One step that creates more happiness!!

Stop me if you’ve heard this before...but it turns out Facebook isn’t all that great for us! And new research out of Germany may have found out exactly how bad it is.

According to a study from the Ruhr University Bochum,people who reduce the amount of time they spend on Facebook end up smoking less, being more active and feeling happier in general.And incredibly, the positive effects of staying offline stuck with people for months after the experiment.

Want more good news Facebook addicts?You don’t have to quit cold turkey. Participants only had to spend 20 minutes less each day on the platform to feel better. And study leader Dr. Julia Brailovskaia noted that “after the two-week period of Facebook detox [...] the improvement of well-being and a healthier lifestyle lasted until the final checks three months after the experiment,” Dr. Brailovskaia notes.

So if you’re looking for better “overall life satisfaction”- and who isn’t -it’s time to start weaning yourself off of Facebook.Maybe have your friends text you memes directly so you don’t have withdrawals.

Source:Study Finds

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