Seems we all are eating more...and maybe drinking more too!!

Hungry all the time lately? You’re not alone. A newsurveyhas found that without our regular schedules, we’re not only eating more than usual -- we're eating our meals up to two and a half hours earlier than usual. People are eating lunch at around 10 or 11 and dinner at 4 or 5. And, no surprise: We’re also eating a lot more dessert than we usually do.

Bring her some beer! A 93-year-old woman sheltering in place in Pennsylvania put a sign in the window asking for more beer. A relative took a photo of Olive Veronesi from outside her Pittsburgh-area home. She is holding up a Coors Light can and a sign saying, “I need more beer.” Thephotohas since gone viral and has been viewed more than 4 million times. And, of course, many people have offered to get Olive some beer.

(CBS Local)

Speaking of beer …A new survey reveals that not only are we drinking more while staying at home – but a lot of people are drinking while they are working from home. WUI – Working Under the Influence – is becoming more common, according to a new study – and beer seems to be the beverage of choice. When it comes to drinking while working at home, Virginia and Rhode Island are leading the way, with 50% of respondents saying they were drinking while working remotely. Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Idaho, Nevada and Montana came in second with 40%. And in third were California and New York, with 38% saying they had a cocktail or two in their coffee cup.

(NY Post)

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