How our routines have changed during the pandemic

With a lot of people working from home thanks to the coronavirus quarantine, their daily routines have changed dramatically from when they would head to the office each day. So how exactly have things changed?

Well, according to a new survey:

  • 20% of people admit to brushing their teeth less.
  • 1 in 3 are showering and doing laundry less.
  • 91% are dressing more casually while working from home.
  • 61% are doing their hair less.

Staying healthy also seems to be a major issue people are dealing with:

  • 19% are eating more to cope with anxiety.
  • 37% say they have easier access to food.
  • 54% are concerned about gaining weight.
  • 44% claim they are less physically active. 

But folks haven’t completely given up on their appearance, especially since many are connecting with folks at work via technology. In fact..

  • 19% of folks are regularly wearing makeup.
  • Half of those polled dress up for video calls.
  • 40% have altered the background of their video calls to make their home look better to co-workers.

Source:Advanced Dermatology

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