Tips on dating with the "rona" around!

Coronavirus has not only made it tougher to find a partner, it’s changing the way we talk about dating, too. It’s bad enough to have to deal with ghosting and catfishing, but now the coronavirus has brought on a bunch of new dating terms we need to learn. Here’s your guide to the pandemic-themed dating terms you need to know.

  • “Buying the toilet paper”- This phrase describes doing something you know won’t have an impact on your current situation, like triple texting the person who clearly isn’t interested in you romantically.
  • “Corona Bae”- Also known as “quarantine bae,” it’s someone you date virtually and start falling in love with during self-isolation.
  • “Coronaroamers”- These are the people who ignore lockdown laws and break self-isolation to satisfy their own need to hook up.
  • “Isodating”- It’s the practice of dating someone during this time of social distancing and self-isolation.
  • “Social Distancing”- Used to help flatten the curve of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s also an effective excuse to avoid unwanted romantic situations.
  • “Post Rona”- The time people fantasize about returning to after the coronavirus outbreak, when they can go back to dating and have contact with other humans again.
  • “Thorona”- This is someone who dates frequently and is promiscuous during the coronavirus crisis.
  • “Vate”- A virtual date on one of many video conferencing platforms, like Zoom or FaceTime.

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