The kiddos are asking lots of interesting questions while in lock down!

Parents are a kid's ultimate source of information, which is why they ask a lot of questions, and a new report reveals some of the most difficult questions parents have been asked.

According to a new survey of parents with kids two to 12:

  • Parents are asked, on average, 468 difficult questions from their kids each year.
  • They find a creative way to respond to 39 hard-to-answer questions a month.
  • So, what are some of the most difficult questions parents have been asked. Well, they include:
    • Is Santa real? (37%)
    • Where do babies come from? (36%)
    • Why do we have to recycle? (29%)
    • Do animals get married? (27%)
    • What does ‘green’ mean? (27%)
    • What does (expletive) mean? (26%)
    • Why is the sky blue? (26%)
    • Why can’t I stay up as late as you? (25%)
    • What does love mean? (25%)

Of course, answering such questions is a whole other story, with 44% of moms saying they’ve had to Google the answer before they could respond.

Source:SWNS Digital

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