Some "social distancing" etiquette!

Since the book “How To Not Be A Jerk In A Face Mask” hasn’t been written yet, there’s been quite the learning curve with how we’re interacting with one another while social distancing. Let’s go over a few dos and don’ts when it comes to the coronavirus and then you can write that book and become a millionaire.

  • Elevators.The old rules of holding the door for someone you see coming don’t really apply anymore. According to etiquette expert Thomas P. Farley,most people should just be waiting for the next elevator if they see it already has a few passengers. Also, if you’re feeling sick at all, Farley says to give the people you’re riding with a fair warning.Pull a Captain America and say “before we get started, does anyone want to get out?”
  • Sidewalks.If you’re walking down the sidewalk and see someone coming, it’s time to initiate theCOVID-buffer.Look both ways and pop out into the street to give you both room to avoid any risk of spreading the virus to one another. This is even more important if you’re a jogger. A recent research model suggested that respiratory droplets from bikers and runners may spread 33 to 65 feet depending on their speed. So since your mouth becomes acorona-cannon, you may just want to stay in the street the whole time you’re exercising.
  • Telling someone to back up.If someone is all up in your space make sure you stand up for yourself and your health and tell them to give you some room. Etiquette expert Jodi Smith says to use a light, relaxed tone and say something like “wow, I can’t believe this is our new normal, heh, but would you mind if we both back up a little?” Smith’s rule of thumb for any social interactions during these strange times is to “start from a place of kindness and only escalate if necessary.”

You can continue your coronavirus etiquette lesson and read more adviceHERE.


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