Some reasons why your mask may be a bit smelly!!

There’s a lot of people walking around town in their COVID-19 mask right now thinking they’ve got some stanky breath. And while that could be true, it could also be their mask itself that’s the culprit. Whether you’re getting the aroma of rotten paper, weird vinegar, hockey bag, or unknown chemicals, you’ll be happy to know it’s not just you.

Emergency physician Dr. Darien Sutton says he gets asked a lot about this issue from his patients and says it's a sign it’s time to dispose of your disposable mask or wash your reusable one. The doc says what’s happening is your respiratory particles are hitting the mask while you’re breathing and the “the bacteria in those particles can then grow and cause an odor you find distasteful.” Dr. Sutton explains.

If you’ve got to wear a disposable mask more than once, make sure you do your best to let it air out before strapping it back on. Dr. Sutton recommends hanging them on a coat hanger between uses and to wash reusable ones regularly. And don’t forget, those masks you bought have an expiration date. Check the box if yours is getting gross to see if it could be passed its lifespan. Also, while it’s probably not your breath making your mask stink,a little extra mouthwash never hurt anyone.


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