Memorial you know why we celebrate?

MEMORIAL DAY: Do You Know Why We Celebrate It?

Memorial Day is a holiday to remember the service men and women who gave their lives for our country. It may be hard to believe, but according to a new survey, most Americans actually don't know that.

An online poll conducted by the University of Phoenix found that only 43% of Americans know the true meaning of Memorial Day.

28% thought Memorial Day was a day to honor all military veterans and didn't know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

Also, only 46% knew that Memorial Day always falls on the last Monday on May, and 21% thought the holiday falls on the last Sunday in May.

Some bright spots from the survey ... 78% say because their plans are different this year, they have an opportunity to be more reflective about the true meaning of the holiday. 87% of respondents said we should be doing more to honor both living veterans and those who died in service to the country.

(NY Post)

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