2 in 5 adults say they have "changed for the better"! Have you?

While some people have looked at quarantine as a “punishment,” a lot of other folks have seen it as an opportunity. Don’t be surprised to come out of your bunker and find out all your friends and coworkers are a heck of a lot happier and healthier thanks to their time locked in because, according to a new survey, 43% of people say they’ve “changed their ways for the better” over these past few months.

Have you prepared your answer to the world’s newest icebreaker:‘What skills did you work on quarantine?’Hopefully, it’s a good one because you’ll have some stiff competition. Almost half of those surveyed say they’ve been working on theirs and expect to keep up on their new hobbies and habits way after the lockdown restrictions are lifted. Some of the most popular quarantine pastimes are learning new computer skills, creating podcasts, doing online fitness classes, and taking long walks.

It only took a global crisis, but it seems people are finally working on living their best life. And thanks to the lockdown, about two in five feel their new habits have helped their overall well-being and a quarter of adults say these activities have taught them new ways to relax.Look out world, we’ve got a lot of interesting people itching to come out of their cocoon to share their at-home triumphs.

More interesting stats from the study:

  • One-fifth of those surveyed have enjoyed the extra sleep they’ve been getting so much that they plan to maintain their extended sleep schedule moving forward.
  • Over 25% of people surveyed think their spending habits have improved as a result of the shutdown.
  • Over one-quarter of the survey say it’s easier to relax during the shutdown.

Source:Study Finds

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