The mysteries surrounding money, according to our youth!

For a lot of people, money can be the source of a lot of stress, and a new survey reveals just how worried people are when it comes to their financial knowledge.

The poll finds:

  • 70% of Americans fear they will never be financially independent.
  • 59% admit they are pretty clueless about their current financial situation.
  • 68% want to learn more about their finances but aren’t sure how to do go about it.
  • 55% admit they are too intimidated to ask for professional financial advice.

So, where should people learn important financial lessons?

  • Well, 80% believe high schools should teach financial literacy.
  • 57% have tried to teach themselves about finances.
  • 72% say their parents didn’t teach them enough about their finances.
  • That number goes up to 76% for millennials, while only 70% of Gen Xers and 59% of baby boomers say the same. 

As for what financial lessons folks are most eager to learn, 42% want to know how to do their taxes. Other top lessons include:

  • How credit card interest works (37%)
  • How to apply for a car loan (36%)
  • How to apply for a personal loan (36%)
  • How to make a monthly budget (35%)
  • How to apply for a mortgage loan (34%)
  • How to invest (33%)
  • How to create a savings account (33%)
  • How to create a checking account (33%)

Source:SWNS Digital

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