D.A. Award, a most unusual promise!

Stupid News - We’ll Be Back! Inmates Escape Prison, Leave Note Promising to Return in Two Weeks

June 15, 2020


Italian media reported the strange case of two inmates who managed to escape from Rebibbia prison and left behind a letter explaining their reason for escaping and promising to be back soon.

On the night of June 2nd, Davad Zukanovic, 40 and Lil Ahmetovic, 46, two cousins serving time at Rome’s Rebibbia prison, managed to escape by cutting through the bars on their prison cell window, rappelling down into the courtyard on a fire hydrant water hose and climbing over the outer walls by climbing the barbed wire with a wire cutter. This alone was a feat worthy of a Hollywood movie, but what really made their escape stand out was the note they left in their prison cell, explaining that they had an urgent family problem to take care of and promising to be back in 15 days.

In their letter to the prison staff, Zukanovic and Ahmetovic claim that they had to escape in order to “protect their children from a nasty business they had got themselves into,” adding that they were the only ones able to do this, since both their wives are also behind bars. At the end, a couple of lines read that the two plan to return and stand before the judicial authority as soon as their personal matter was resolved.

Zukanovic and Ahmetovic were serving sentences due to end in 2029 for non-violent crimes, including fraud and receiving stolen goods. Even if they respect the promise made in their letter, they are still facing a 5-year sentence extension for escaping the prison. That only makes their voluntary return even more unlikely.


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