What "binge watchers" may look like 20 years from now, it's not a good look

If you’ve been on a quest to reach the end of Netflix during the lockdown, you may want to do some earmuffs on this story. Researchers have used 3D models to predict what toll heavy video streaming can do on the body, and the short answer is, it’s not great.

TheOnlineGambling.comcommissioned study used data on the lack of exercise, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle tied to Netflix addiction and came up with two computer-generated bingers named “Eric and Hannah.” After 20 years of heavy streaming, amongst other things these two are obese, have bloodshot eyes, rounded shoulders, misshapen legs, and something called “Dead-Butt Syndrome.”Apparently what happens when you sit too long it puts persistent pressure on the pelvic region and damages your glutes.

If you’re looking for a binge-watching wake-up call, having Eric and Hannah as your future might be it. Check them outHEREand you’ll probably be answering ‘no’ the next time Netflix asks if you’re ‘still watching.’

Source:Online Gambling

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