The A/C can be an issue!!

In honor the start of Summer, let's talk about thermostats and why it’s probably best you listen to your Dad and‘keep your dang hands off it.’According to a new survey, air conditioning settings have the ability to make or break even the strongest relationships.

  • The study found that a whopping one in four adults say they’ve ended a friendship with a roommate over thermostat arguments. And it’s not just friends in the crosshairs. It’s lovers as well. In fact, half of the survey said they wouldn’t even date someone that doesn’t share the same “AC etiquette” as them.
  • So now you may be asking,what does good AC etiquette look like?Suffering apparently. The average person will sweat through five hot and sleepless nights before turning on their cooling system and over half of respondents admit they feel “defeated” when they do. All in the name of saving money.

According to the survey, the ideal thermostat temperature is 69-degrees. So to keep things cool in your home,in more ways than one,it’s probably best to set things there and walk away.

Source:Study Finds

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