When was the last time you cleaned your "desktop"?

These days most of us spend a good portion of our day on our computers, but it seems not many of us are keeping our tech all that organized. A new survey finds:

  • The average American hasn’t organized their desktop in three years.
  • Half of Americans would actually rather clean their entire house than spend an hour cleaning and organizing their devices.
  • And it certainly sounds like most people need to take that time, with 62% of people saying their desktops are “very cluttered."
  • So, why are folks so reluctant to organize their devices?
    • 51% worry about losing photos and videos.
    • 49% of people worry they’ll lose their passwords.
    • 46% worry about deleting things they’ll need later.
    • 36% like knowing where everything is right now.
    • 31% say it’s time-consuming.
    • 26% say it’s such a mess; there’s no hope for it.

But it sounds like folks really need to take the time to focus on cleaning up their computers.

  • 71% of those polled say having a messy desktop stresses them out.
  • 67% actually have files stored on their devices that they’ve totally forgotten about. 

The study conducted by OnePoll in conjunction withWestern Digitalaimed to discover the reasons why Americans are avoiding decluttering their desktops

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