Questions that you might ask your boss before going back to the office

If your boss just sent you the go-ahead to make your way back into the office, it’s okay to feel a little less than pumped about the idea. Obviously, the dress code alone is enough to make you want to pass on the whole thing, but also, there’s that whole question of safety. If you’re nervous about getting sick at your office, the best thing you can do to calm your nerves is to make sure your workplace is up to your safety standards. And how you do that is by asking your manager the following questions:

  • What changes are in place to protect our health and safety amid coronavirus?If your boss can’t come up with a single thing that they’ve changed in the past couple of months, it’s ok to start looking for other places to work. Your office should have implemented a bunch of new safety precautions to deal with the “new normal.” They’re obligated to keep you safe at work and you’re not obligated to stick around if they don’t.
  • What are the new hygiene procedures for workers to follow?If you haven’t gotten an email by now telling you the new procedures and they’re just flinging the doors back open for work, that’s a red flag. You should know things like if you need to bring your own hand sanitizer or masks, or if they’ll be provided, and high traffic areas like the bathroom or breakroom should have a new set of rules too. Make sure your manager is on top of it.
  • What’s your view on working from home going forward?If you’ve been killing it from your home office, and the idea of potentially breathing the same air as the folks from HR freaks you out, let your boss know you’re into staying in quarantine. Or at least plant the seed in their brain for down the road when they’re more into flexible schedules.

Check out all the questions to ask your manager before getting back to workHERE.


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