The best term yet to describe this "mess"!

CORONAVIRUS: Nationwide “LifeQuake”

This year, due to the coronavirus, every American is simultaneously experiencing a LifeQuake. It offers an opportunity for positive change. We find ways to commemorate these personal rebirths. One common way is to mark the moment with a meaningful tattoo.

Bruce Feiler describes the LifeQuake in his new book,Life Is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age. Feiler writes that adults experience a major disruption to their routines almost yearly. These are life-changing moments involving relationships, family, personal health, jobs, and occasionally "birthdays that end in zero."

Most times, we roll with these setbacks. Get knocked down but right back up. But once a decade or so the disruption becomes “truly disorienting and destabilizing.” That’s what Bruce Feiler calls a LifeQuake.

Feiler identifies three, distinct emotional phases of the LifeQuake. We must say goodbye to the old normal, then a lengthy re-adjustment period that feels messy followed by a “new beginning.” (The Wall Street Journal)

LIFEQUAKE: Disruptions and setbacks caused by #coronavirus can pave the way toward a positive change and personal rebirth, @BruceFeiler

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