Ways the pandemic has changed our eating habits!

While we could easily dwell on how bad our eating habits have gotten in quarantine, there is another option. We could all just mutually agree to pretend like we didn’t all become snack monsters for a few months and instead just remember all the positive food trends brought to us by the coronavirus. Here’s a few we can be proud of.

  • Family Meals Are Making A Comeback. Before the virus, research found 30%-35% of families eat fewer than three meals a week together. But thanks to being stuck together, things have changed for the better. When parents and kids eat together, studies have found that children have better self-esteem, more success in school, and a lower risk for depression. Who knew that your mom’s secret recipe also came with a side of mental health.
  • People Are Eating More Plant-Based Foods. While it’s tragic what happened to a lot of workers in the meat-packing industry, getting forced to eat more plant-based foods isn’t such a bad thing. They’re good for you and the planet. Livestock produces 18% of greenhouse gases which is more than cars, planes and all other forms of transport put together. And while it’s kind of been eclipsed by more pressing crises, last we checked the whole global warming thing is still a huge issue so Mother Nature must be pretty pumped folks have gone from ground beef to canned beans.
  • We’re Baking More For Ourselves And Others. One of the perks of working from home is all the waking and baking. Both sourdough and banana bread recipe searches are through the roof right now on Google. Not only are they delicious, but they’re also a great way to connect with the people in your quarantine bubble by warming their hearts via their tummies. There’s nothing better than some comfort gluten?


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