You put WHAT on a job application? These are for real!

When you’re trying to land a job the goal is to impress the person doing the hiring, but apparently these people didn’t quite get that message. 

A recent Reddit thread asked employers “what’s the weirdest/stupidest answer you’ve seen on a job application?,” and the responses leave you wondering if any of these people have ever been hired for a gig.

Weirdest/stupidest things seen on a resume include:

  • "In criminal history section, they checked yes and simply wrote 'rong place, rong time.'"
  • "Had a chef once apply with, 'Good at helping my coworkers thieve while the restaurant is at its busiest.'"
  • "I received a resume that was just their high school football accomplishments — no other experience written down. There was even a link to his highlight video. He also included a head shot of him in his football pads. He was 24."
  • "In the cover letter: 'I have a 2011 Toyota Corolla' and 'I keep things organized with STICKERS!!! Caps and multiple exclamations and all."
  • "I had someone bring in a resume that was scrawled out on notebook paper ripped from a spiral bound notebook."
  • "Their resume had a 'Why You Should Hire Me' list and had a bunch of run-on sentences and misspelled words."
  • "Under 'expected pay, the wrote 'minimum sh*t.'"
  • "Applicant had been convicted for theft under $1000. One special skill they wrote: 'money handling.'"
  • "Their computer skills were copy and paste."
  • "He wrote that he'd served six years in prison for the murder of his wife's lover. He finished by saying that he and his wife were back together."
  • "Had a reference from someone simply known as 'Cheese.'"


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