Explaining "social distancing" to kids, here is some help!

Tara Travieso was trying to come up with a way to explain social distancing to her two- and three-year-old daughters in a way they would understand, but not be scared by. She decided to use something they love: bubbles. The Jacksonville, Florida, mom told them there’s an imaginary bubble around them that will keep them safe and that we’re all in our own bubbles that keep the germs out and if we’re sick, they keep the germ inside so we don’t get others sick.

She told her little girls that being too close to someone else could pop the bubble and they really seemed to get it. This inspired Travieso to turn her story into a children’s book and six weeks later she self-published her first book, "Billie and the Brilliant Bubble: Social Distancing for Children.”

She and her husband are working from home while caring for their kids, so she did most of the work late at night after they were asleep and her work was finished. It was a lot of work, but she knew it was relevant right now and she had to get the book out quickly, so she made it happen.

  • Now the mom is using the idea of imaginary bubbles to talk about the future and the good things it will bring. "We talk about when we’re all going to pop our bubbles, all the fun things we're going to do and it’s something to look forward to," Travieso says. "My daughter will say, ‘Well when our bubbles pop we can go out to a fancy restaurant.’"

Source:Good Morning America

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