A concert production expert predicts when live shows will return!

CORONAVIRUS: 18 More Months Without Concerts?

Brace yourself: We may need to settle on Instagram concerts and shows at drive-ins for the next 18 months.

Live music executive Marc Geiger said last week in apodcast, (quote) “It’s going to be 2022. It will take that long before the ‘germaphobic economy’ is slowly killed off and replaced by the ‘claustrophobia economy.’ That’s when people want to get out: dinner, festivals and shows.”

The co-founder of Lollapalooza warned “super-spreader events — sports, concerts, festivals — aren’t going to do too well when the virus is this present.”

Live concerts face several obstacles before musicians can tour again. It’s just not about limiting capacity. Nor filtering recycled air and disinfecting air with UV light. But also insurance and liability could be a serious roadblock.

(Consequence of Sound)

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