Arkansas and health care, where do we rank?

When it comes to adequate healthcare, not all states are created equal, and having good healthcare is certainly important, now more than ever thanks to COVID-19. So, which states offer their residents the best healthcare options? 

  • Well, WalletHub set out to determine the best and worst states for healthcare in the U.S.
  • They judged all 50 states and the District of Columbia on 44 factors in areas of cost, accessibility and outcome.
  • With all that taken into consideration, Massachusetts tops the list as the state with the best healthcare, scoring a 63.47 out of 100 and coming out on top for outcomes and at four for access.
  • District of Columbia, which is fourth overall, tops the list for both access and cost.

Top Ten States For Healthcare

  1. Massachusetts
  2. Minnesota
  3. Rhode Island
  4. District of Columbia
  5. North Dakota
  6. Vermont
  7. Colorado
  8. Iowa
  9. Hawaii
  10. South Dakota
  • On the flipside, Georgia is the worst state for healthcare, scoring just a 43.76, and coming in dead last for access and in the bottom five for outcomes

Ten Worst States for Healthcare

  1. Georgia
  2. Louisiana
  3. Alabama
  4. North Carolina
  5. Mississippi
  6. Arkansas
  7. Tennessee
  8. South Carolina
  9. Texas
  10. Alaska

Click hereto see where your state falls on the list.

Source: WalletHub

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