Has the lockdown helped your relationship? Here are some signs!

The lockdown has been like a reality show experiment for most couples and it might just be creating the strongest relationships the world has ever seen. Not sure if you and your boo have formed a “dream team” during the crisis? Here are some signs to look for that prove you did:

  • You Look Forward To Doing More Things Together. If you’re looking forward to spending some more quality time with your partner, even after sharing the same air with them for more than a month, that’s a great sign. According to psychotherapist Dr. Leslie Beth Wish, many couples are now looking at their relationship with fresh eyes and are eager to get out and explore with the person that’s had their back through these rough times.
  • Managing Relationship Stress Brought You Closer Together.You may not even realize it yet but dealing with stress together has deepened your emotional bond. Like you just went to battle together. But instead of swapping war stories, when this is all over you’ll be getting nostalgic about what you did for toilet paper.
  • You Were Able To Work Through Your Problems.If things started rough, psychologist Dr. Wyatt Fisher says that was the quarantine highlighting problem areas in your relationship. But if it got better over time, that shows you were able to identify your issues and work through them together. And that ability to adapt and compromise is going to make you a dream team for years to come.

Source:Elite Daily

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