Dating these days is harder than it used to be!

It’s no secret that dating isn’t easy, and it turns out most people today think it’s harder than ever.

A new Pew Research poll finds:

  • 47% of Americans say dating is harder today than it was 10 years ago.
  • Only 19% say it’s actually easier, and 33% say it’s about the same.
  • Of the 15% of adults who say they are single and looking, most admit they are dissatisfied with their dating lives and find it difficult to find someone to date.
  • As for what makes dating so difficult, the most common reasons include:
    • The challenge of finding someone who is looking for the same type of relationship (53%)
    • Difficulty in approaching people (46%)
    • Trouble finding someone who meets their expectations (43%) 
  • Overall, the poll finds that 50% of adults are actually not dating at all right now.
  • 61% of men are actually more likely to be looking for a relationship or casual dates than women (38%)
  • As for why folks aren’t dating, reasons include having more important priorities right now and enjoying single life.

Source:Pew Research

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