If there's no filter, there will be no selfie!!

If you’re wondering if body image issues have gotten better for the youngest generation, sadly, the answer is: “no.” Turns out growing up with social media doesn’t make using it any less toxic. A new survey aimed to see how unrealistic images are affecting young women online, and the numbers are pretty shocking.

First off, the study found a whopping 34% of 11 to 21-year-old girls said they would not post a pic of themselves without using a filter or app to enhance it first. About a third of young women also said they delete photos with too few “likes” or comments as well. So not only do they feel the need to look completely different online, but they also feel the need to curate their feeds to cater to what their followers like.Sounds like a full-time job.

Interestingly, it’s not only their friends and influencers they feel like they're competing with, but also themselves. A stunning 39% of girls say they’re upset that they don’t look as good offline as they do online. This is probably why eight out of 10 young women also say they’re considering changing how they look.But spoiler, no surgery or diet in the world will make you look as cute or as much like a dog as Snapchat filters do.

Source:The Guardian

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